A small team at our company is currently trying some new things with Umbraco. Since the project is only used for experimenting we have a shared database.
One of the team members upgraded the project to Umbraco 9.2. I can see the database has been upgrade because when I check the umbracoKeyValue table it has the following data:
Key Umbraco.Core.Upgrader.State+Umbraco.Core
Value ad3d3b7f-8e74-45a4-85db-7ffad57f9243
By checking the UmbracoPlan GUID you can see this GUID is for the 9.2 upgrade: Umbraco-CMS/src/Umbraco.Infrastructure/Migrations/Upgrade/UmbracoPlan.cs at v9/contrib · umbraco/Umbraco-CMS · GitHub
The developer upgraded to 9.2, but somehow the NuGet packages didn’t get upgraded. So the database thinks it’s on 9.2, but dlls are still on 9.1.1.
I upgraded the NuGet packages to 9.2, but somehow it still tries to run the migration. I’ve got screenshots, but I can’t upload them because our gives an error. So here is the text:
Screen 1
Detected current version (ad3d3b7f), which needs to be upgraded to
9.2.0 (ad3d3b7f). To compare versions and read a report of changes between versions, use the View Report button below.
Screen 2
The database failed to upgrade. ERROR: The database configuration
failed with the following message: The migration plan does not support
migrating from state “ad3d3b7f-8e74-45a4-85db-7ffad57f9243”. Please
check log file for additional information (can be found in
I’ve checked the dlls in the bin folder and they are on 9.2 now.
Can I somehow skip the migration? I don’t need it to run again.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://our.umbraco.com/forum/108170-the-migration-plan-does-not-support-migrating-from-state