Content Delivery API with multi culture

Hi all,

I noticed a strange behavior when requesting content using the Content Delivery API.

I have a Document Type A with two cultures, ‘en-US’ (which is the default in my case) and another (not important, let’s assume ‘es’)

Then I create content for Document Type A, let’s call it Welcome. I add all the translations for both languages.

At this point, if I request the item through the Content Delivery API and Accept-Language ‘es’, I get a 404.

Now, if I go back to Welcome and add the hostnames for cultures (let’s assume ‘/en-US/welcome’ and ‘/es/bienvenido’) and then request the content through the Content Delivery API, then I get the content properly.

Is that an expected behavior? I’m planning on using Umbraco headless, and it seems like a configuration not actually needed for that purpose (or maybe I’m missing something)


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